Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's been fun...

As you all know I've suffered through a terrible accident. I've lost my right leg below the knee due to the negligence of a cage driver.

It has been a struggle to come home... And everyday is a struggle. I deal with an incredible amount of pain on a daily basis.

As I continue forward, my heart and my soul will be out there on two-wheels, in the twists and the sweepers with all of you... I value everybody I've met through MotoKafe. I consider you all friends and riding partners. That is why it pains me to write this post. This is my last post on MotoKafe, and Moto Thursdays are now in your hands. Please feel free to follow me with my recovery and cool-ass motorcycle shit, and what ever else I am into at any given moment, check out my new blog:


Enough said....


  1. Awww.. shit. Really sorry to hear of all this. All the very best to you in your recovery. Will check on you at the new blog.

    Keep at it!

  2. Really sorry to hear this.The third I`ve heard of this month.On the way to the new blog.
    (No dumbass final comment line)......Murf.

  3. It saddens me too. My hopes are for good recovery for you.
